10/06/2016 - Presentation SCXV Evo
Friday, June 10 as part of the Auto Show in Turin Polytechnic Racing Team unveiled the new car SCXV Ages .
The all-electric car was designed by a team of about 70 students from different disciplines , from engineering to design and participate in the international university league Formula SAE .
The car can reach 130 km / h , it weighs 220Kg and takes 2 seconds to go from 0 to 100 km / h .
The SCXV Ages debut at Varano circuit ( PR ) from 22 July to 25 July .
The Pegaso , technical sponsor of the Ages SCXV wishes you a " good luck " to all members of the team ... it is a beautiful beast ...
For more news:
- www.facebook.com/SCPolito
- www.youtube.com/user/SquadracorsePolito
Watch on YouTube the video presentation of the EVO SCXV car screened at the Castello del Valentino roll-out on 10/06/2016.
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